I have not come very far. Don't worry, I am not a hoarder or anything. I generally stay away from stuffed animals (although I do have a collection of Beanie Babies I cannot bring myself to get rid of) and other similar things. I started giving some of the animals to the dogs but they like to rip them up so a little piece of my heart goes when I hear a seam tear or find a pile of fluff in the living room. Anyway, I did have a moment of heartbreak this weekend in the same genre. I got a new car which meant I was leaving the old one behind.
This was the first car I ever actually OWNED. We actually had the title in our hot little hands for awhile. It was the first car I felt I had complete control over when making the decision what to get. I loved my car and took care of it. It had a 'Woof" sticker, a "mutt" magnet and an "AXA" sticker for Anguilla (very unique). I was not ready to let it go this weekend. I really thought I would just get it fixed and I'd be on my merry way. Well, six hours later after working the numbers I had a new car. I never got the chance to say goodbye to my Pilot or prepare myself for giving him up. I just had to clear him out and take off my 'Mutt' magnet, leaving the stickers and hand over my keys. At one point I even felt like we were stealing a dead man's wallet as we removed the wheel locks to put on the new car.
We sat by the window and finished up the paperwork. I looked outside wistfully at my car and hoped that after a a paint job
I am teary-eyed. Yes, I am that person.
(it's the silver one all the way to the left *snif*)
I had a similar moment with my Tiburon last year when we gave it up for a new car ... I got her in 1997 (called her Tibby). She was great - logged over 140,000 miles, had a cable guy fall on the roof, and never, ever complained or let me down.
I am that person who hems and haws over which stuffed animal to pick because I know (and you know) that it is very hard to leave a deformed stuffed animal on a shelf because who is going to want it?
Hope you new car at least has a nice new car smell :)
I am that person, too. I get so attached to inanimate objects. I remember trading in the mustang I had for 10 years. It was bittersweet - I got a cute little convertible, but I really, really missed that old falling apart car. I feel your pain.
My Ford station wagon was mine and I loved it to death. It had lots of memories attached to it and it was hard saying good bye.
my husband is that person...he saw his brown Buick..well, "put down"..he had tears in his eyes that day and it made me love him just a little more....it's kinda sweet. but, i don't understand it completely?? ;-)
I am bidding my 1992 k-1500 silverado farewell today. I never knew it would be this difficult to say goodbye. I bought the truck back in 2001 with 140,600.....now has (238,400)...when I was 22....it is my first vehicle as I perviously lived in an area where public transporation was the way to go. Fast forward 9 years later....I am saying goodbye to not just a vehicle, but a box of memories....a direct link to the best years of my life. I wish I had the time and the money to meet all of its needs, but right now my financial situation doesn't allow it. I feel like I'm saying goodbye to my best friend...as crazy as it may sound
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