So, what you are seeing are the remnants of the Eagles vs. Panthers
pre-game last night. On the left we have famous
Chickie's and Pete's Crab Fries, hot dog wrappers and beers. On the right, you can see the monsoon rain that swept through Lincoln Financial Field last night. I would like to apologize to all the people who came out to see the game. You see, I told a little white lie/not completely false lie to get out of work at Lottery Yarn last night (am having dizzy spells again, just not to the point I made it sound). Friends of ours that I had not seen in ages had season
tix and invited us. It really wasn't just the game, it was a chance to catch up with some of my favorite people. There would be people on-call at LY so calling out was not the worst thing in the world (hell I've gotten called in for stuff like this). The rain was not supposed to start till much later. Cue Karma bus
makin' it's u-turn. We stayed until about 9:45pm. When we pulled into our friends place, the rain magically stopped. Cue Karma bus taking off after running over my ass.
We'll chalk this up to a leaning experience.
PS If anyone at Lottery Yarn reads this please keep it to yourself.
Dear Former LB Employee, You are so busted. You will now have to stock shelves during our newly introduced third shift. Uh, one more thing. The Seasonals just came in today. Christmas is here and you need to unpack and inventory it and get it put away before the Fall merchandise arrives.
LB Management a/k/a Karma
I love the last line of your post. :)
That is TOO funny! Of course it would monsoon like that.
At least you were wearing your new deodorant.
K that is too funny that you actually posted about it...isn't Karma a piece of crap! lol!
UH OH !!!!
I can just see my Grandma wagging her finger and saying 'Girls who tell lies, even little ones, always get caught.' Scared me into being truthful!!! :-)
Leave it to Karma to show up at the wrong time. Sorry to hear about the rain.
Yikes, Karma is a B&#ch isn't it!!
I would have done the same thing. Friends from out of town or work? No brainer!
Oh man. That would be my luck too.
(What is Lottery Yarn?)
Ooh ooh! I watched that game on TV in a bar last night.
No worries, your secret is safe with me.
I don't envy you one bit! THAT must've been awful out there. I switched over to Ferris Bueller's Day Off during the rain delay.
Karma bit my sister ass on Friday too. It must have been making it's rounds.
Karma bit me this weekend too. I missed a couple hours Friday that I was going to make up. The server went down Sunday night and I ended up making up that time sooner than I thought!
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