I really hope you can truly feel the tackiness of this ceiling fan. The reason you cannot really see the fan blade is because they are clear. You know it makes them invisible. The gold leaves truly give it that "granny who covers her sofas in plastic" feel.
This fan was at a shore house that P and I were guests at this weekend. We had a wonderful time drinking too much and eating too much (why is it that you become ravenous after drinking and dancing at a bar?) playing volleyball too much (P) and sitting on the beach too much (Me). Saturday was absolutely beautiful and I didn't want to leave the beach but we were scheduled to take P's grandmother, who lives close to where we were, out to dinner. All in all a lovely weekend.
PS. I should be back to regular blogging as our home interent is hopefully getting fixed today. Yea!
You're right, that is truly awful!!
Glad you had a good weekend though :)
Yup that is the worst ceiling fan I have ever seen.
I reckon that's actually your house and you are just in denial!
Ceiling fans can make or break a room ... just my personal opinion.
At the beach where you met my doppelgänger!!! Woot!
Sounds like a lovely weekend.
But yeah, that fan is god-awful.
I have never in my life seen a ceiling fan with clear blades??? That is truly amazing and yes, truly tacky, but in a kitschy way. Dare I admit that I kinda like it? Not in MY HOUSE, kinda like but just in a Wow, check that out, kinda like... Know what I mean?
That is one ugly fan. Good eye.
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