Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Cape Cod: Beach Beard

If you have been reading for awhile and even if you haven't you know my love for the Cape of Cod is infinite.  There are things that happen there that don't happen in other places.  I feel at peace while I am there.  I am able to soul search with ease.

This also happens:

Ritual shaving of the beach beard.  What is a beach beard you may ask?  For the past few years my husband, brother and his friends have had a beach beard 'contest'.  There are no winners really it is more an exercise of laziness to see what they look like with facial hair.  Most of them are pretty clean cut the rest of the year  but they let themselves go while they are on the Cape.  A day or two before leaving they shave their beards into something to attract attention. 

When you are in an area like Cape Cod THIS attracts attention.  Peter and I were walking to a cafe at the marina on our last day and all of a sudden he doubled over with laughter.  It seems the teenager that was walking towards us gave him an incredibly dirty look.

I decided to walk a few steps ahead after that.

Don't get me wrong, it is amusing and they seem to take much pleasure in the traditional ritual. 

I just worry that one year we are going to see men in their cranberry shorts embroidered with whales and women in the Lily Pulitzer showing up at our front door with torches and pitchforks.


Diane said...

What a hoot! I love that!

Los said...

I do the beach beard when I'm on vacation too ... also, because I'm lazy ... but, I never shave it into something unique ... UNTIL NOW!

Los said...
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L.R. M-J said...

T is the opposite...the cpl times we've met my Dad in St. Lucia in Feb, T has arrived with his winter face attire & let me dictate for one day any shave pattern before he goes clean. The mustache year almost made me pee.my.pants. He looked like some 70's porn star :0 Thanks for the gratuitous eye candy though :D (what? was Peter feeling shy? ;) ) Feel free to post some more ...haaaaaa.

L.R. M-J said...

P.s. See you did some blog redecorating...very clean & calm. Projecting? Mwah!