Friday, March 21, 2008

Testing Mobile Blogging

Not sure if this will work. I am waiting for take out and using my bb to post. If it works, I should never be bored again. Anyway, this place is a byo and so the people waiting are already starting on their wine. Wish they would offer me a glass. Looks mostly like cheap stuff though. Oh well. OMG this girl just asked for ice for her red wine. Ugh! When will people learn? The guy she is with is now pontificating about wineries. Nice.

1 comment:

L.R. M-J said...

haaaaaaa....niiice, that's some class I tell 'ya...was there the name 'Boon's Farm' on the label? As low key wine snobs, we have lived in France for 10yrs after all--it's inevitable, I have great stories of N. American wine pontificaters (is that a word?) remind me to tell u sometime...