Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Yes Dear, That Bruise in My Nether Region is from Shoveling

So P has been away for a few days. Naturally we would get a snow/ice/crap storm while he is away. Now, I shoveled last time it snowed and it was that light fluffy stuff. Very easy took no time at all.

Today, not so much.

It was that slushy combo of snow and ice that refused to stay on the shovel and dropped to the place you just managed to clear. At one point I was not paying attention to my shoveling form and I was pushing the snow/slush like a plow. I hit something with the front of my shovel and it stopped yet my body kept going forward and I managed to stab myself with the handle right smack dab in my crotchital area.

There were a couple tears and a yelp a little moaning and I remained in a bent over position as I dragged myself to an area where the neighbors would not see me. (Seriously, what was I going to say if they asked what happened?) Eventually, I sucked it up and finished the job.

When I went to take a shower, I examined my wound and yes, a nice bruise was forming there about 5 inches below my belly button. Hopefully P will believe me when I tell him about how it got there.


Mama Dawg said...

Hey, if you blogged it, it must be true! We'll be your witnesses!

Unknown said...

Ouch :(
Think Spring!

Tami said...

Uhhh, OUCH!!

"Crochital" - too funny!!

FunnyGal KAT said...

I've totally done that! I'm so glad to hear I'm not the only uncoordinated shoveler out there. But still, it's a good excuse to never have to shovel again, don't you think?

abb said...

Crochital...what a great word!

Heal fast!

schue said...

I've done this before ... anytime there is an uneven surface (like a crack in the pavement), this is when it can (and does) happen to me.

As Cape Cod Turns said...

Wahoo, a blog post 2 days in a row! I have missed you! You need one of those snuggies advertised on tv. It's like a fleece bag you can crawl into. It would be perfect for your office! Sorry about your nether regions bruise!

Katy said...

oh dear, and guys think they have the crotch pain department all covered, i hope your "fanwah" heals quickly!

Anonymous said...

Ow. Holy crap that must have hurt! Crotchical area! Lol!

honkeie said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA....I have done that on more than on occasion. Sorry to laugh so loud about it but I find that funny. And no matter how many times it happens to me I still fall over crying and laughing!

L.R. M-J said...

Does that mean Hobbs got a black eye? Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.